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Saturday, February 5, 2011

An Eye on Eternity

In Luke 16: 19-31, Jesus was teaching His disciples about eternity. Specifically, how what we do in this life effects where we spend eternity. The rich man spent his life enjoying the pleasues that his wealth afforded him. On the other hand, Lazarus, the sore covered hungry beggar sat outside the gate of the rich man staving. They both die with the rich man being tormented in Hades and Lazarus recieving the comfort in Abraham's bosom that had been denied him while he lived. The rich man could have provided some comfort for Larzrus but truth being known, he probably never even acknowledged him.

 In his torment, the rich man asked for two things: 1) send Lazarus with a drop of water, and 2) send him to warn my brothers. According to Jeus, Abraham told him that his brothers had Moses and the prophets and the warnings they had given. That wasn't good enough for the rich man, he wanted someone from the dead to warn them. Abraham told hin that if they hadn't listened to Moses and the prophets, they wouldn't listen a dead man.

Even after His death and resurrection, there were those who did not believe. We live our lives today for our eternal hope. We are obedient to His word, we treat people the way we want to be treated and we feed and care for those less fortunate both physically and spiritually.

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